How Does Marketing Fit Into The Customer Experience?

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According to research firm Gartner, by the year of 2020, more than half of all consumers will expect brands to provide personalised experiences. The rise in e-commerce and social media have made customers more aware of what they want from brands. In order to stay competitive in the market, companies must adopt a customer-centric approach. A holistic view of your business is key to understanding your target audience. This article will discuss how marketing strategies should align with the principles of customer experience design. Read on to learn more about what you need to know about connecting marketing with the customer experience.

What is Customer Experience Management (CEM)?

CEM is the practice of integrating all aspects of the customer experience across all channels and touchpoints. It is a term coined by the industry to emphasise the importance of a holistic view of the customer journey. A CEM strategy spans the entire lifecycle of the customer, beginning with the customer’s needs, their desires, and ending with their feelings. It is based on the concept of integrated marketing communications (IMC). This integrated approach to marketing will help brands to increase customer satisfaction, retention and ultimately loyalty. The lower funnel of CEM includes customer research, understanding your customer needs, gathering customer’s expectations, planning of customer journeys with the use of customer journey maps, and planning the content. The upper funnel of CEM includes creating the brand voice, creating content, creating an emotional connection, and communications execution. The final funnel of CEM is measuring the effectiveness of all the above.

How does Marketing fit into the Customer Experience?

Marketers have long relied on their expertise to determine the best ways to get their messages across to customers. But with the rise of digital marketing — especially social media — those messages are starting to look a bit old. As consumers’ expectations continue to rise, marketers need to meet them in an entirely new way. If they want to keep customers happy, they must not only know what customers want, but why. In order to provide a truly personalized experience, brands must get to know their customers better than they know themselves. This means tracking customers’ online behaviour, listening to their feedback and addressing any issues they may have. To provide an experience that truly resonates with customers, brands must also have an in-depth understanding of their brand.

The Importance of Branding

Although the importance of branding is often discussed in relation to marketing, it is also an essential part of customer experience management. In fact, brands are not successful without branding. A branding strategy is one of the most important components of the customer experience because it establishes a relationship with the customer on a more personal level. In order to create brand experiences, firms must first establish a brand identity. This is the way in which a firm is perceived and the cultural associations that come with that perception. Therefore, it is imperative that brands establish an identifiable look, feel and sound that makes them memorable.

Research and Development (R&D)

This is where the fun begins. As you begin to integrate your marketing and customer experience strategies, you will want to start tracking your progress and building a customer feedback database. Through customer surveys and on-site interviews, you can gain a better understanding of your customers’ needs and desires. You will likely have to conduct these types of interviews with a variety of your target customers, such as those who represent the following demographics: different age groups, income levels, occupations, purchasing habits, lifestyle preferences, etc.

User On-Site Survey and Feedback

Building off of the information you gathered from your customer research, you can now start to create experiences that are tailored to meet your customers’ needs. By creating experiences that incorporate the feedback you received from your surveys, you can begin to eliminate the frustrations and inefficiencies that may currently exist in your customer experience. By focusing your efforts on the customer experience design — such as in the bottom funnel — you can begin to improve your customers’ overall satisfaction with your brand and increase the likelihood of brand loyalty.

Bottom Line

As the market matures and becomes more sophisticated, competition also rises. The ability to create a truly unique experience is more important than ever before. Customer experience management is a crucial part of delivering a truly memorable experience. With the rise of digital marketing and social media, it has become even more important to be able to integrate all aspects of your marketing strategy to better connect with your customers. In order to provide a truly personalized experience, brands must get to know their customers better than they know themselves. Marketers must track customers’ online behaviour, listen to their feedback and address any issues they may have. In order to truly understand your customers and provide a truly memorable experience, you must also have an in-depth understanding of your brand.

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