How IKEA And Other Stores Strategize Product Layouts To Market Products Better

If you’ve ever shopped for home furnishings, then you know that IKEA is one of the best places to find affordable (and stylish) pieces. Their stores are often jam-packed with home furnishings and other products from many other brands as well.

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That makes it all the more important for stores like theirs to optimize their product layouts so that they can reach customers at the right price points, offer a wide selection of products, and get people into their stores as quickly as possible. In this article, we’ll answer some of your most pressing questions about how IKEAs and other department stores approach product layout design. Let’s get started…

What does department store product layout design involve?

When it comes to designing product layout in department stores, you’ll often see several different themes being incorporated. First, stores will often have one or more main aisles that are specifically designed to showcase different types of designs and color palettes related to each aisle. Often, these aisles are called “flavors” or “sensors” for the various items featured within.

Other aisles might be more focused on specific price points, like a combination of mid-price, high-price, and luxury items. These different types of product offerings can be arranged in a range of ways. As one example, some designers will use a “stacking” approach. In this method, stores will stack various items on top of each other, like in-between layers of a cake. (This might work best for stores that are short on floor space.) Other designers will use “binning” to arrange products. This can be used to create “rows” of items or to create “aisles” that lead shoppers through the store.

Why is it so important to have a well-designed layout?

This is where it gets interesting. Product layout design is often the single biggest factor that drives sales. In fact, studies on the topic have shown that as little as five seconds might be all it takes for customers to decide whether or not to buy an item.

That means you have to get it right the first time. With poorly designed product layouts, customers may feel overwhelmed or like they’re not finding the items that they’re actually looking for. They may also get frustrated when they keep getting “bumped” by other customers as they’re trying to browse through the aisles. In order to avoid this, stores will often use a variety of different methods to measure the success of their layouts.

Sometimes, they’ll use “visual queues” to figure out how well customers are finding various display elements. For example, if customers are looking at a series of shelves more often than not, then you might have to adjust the layout of that shelf so that people’s eyes are directed elsewhere. Some stores will also send their salespeople through the layout to make any necessary adjustments so that the layout flows better and is less confusing for customers.

How department stores choose their product layouts

One of the most important aspects of a product layout design is the selection of items within it. That’s because customers will often only spend time looking at items that they’re interested in buying.

To do this, stores will often consult with in-store analytics tools to understand what types of products are performing the best. As one example, if customers are asking for a certain type of bed, that might be the type of bed that you should stock in your store. The other important aspect of item selection is that it should be as varied as possible. That way, it’s likely that customers will find something that they like so that they can make a purchase.

Some ways you could redesign your home furnishing product layout

Just like in your redesign, you can create custom product layouts and incorporate a variety of different elements. This may include different types of floor and wall coverings, lighting fixtures, and decorative objects that you can add to the store.

You can also use the types of techniques that you used in your redesign to help you choose an ideal layout. For example, you can use a variety of different analytics tools to help you decide which layout will help you achieve the best sales. You can also use visual queues to help navigate customers through the store and keep them interested in the various items that you have on display.


The best way to ensure that your home furnishing store performs well is to create a well-designed layout. That means taking the time to understand what types of items will best suit each aisle. You can also use visual queues and other techniques to help navigate customers through your store, keep them interested in what you have to offer, and boost sales as quickly as possible.

Department stores have to be creative and strategic with their product layouts, and there’s no room for error when it comes to picking the right design. In order to get it right, you have to understand the different types of layouts available and what they’re best at. And, while these methods may seem straightforward, they can be easily overlooked or overlooked.

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